13 Final Year Pupils of RGNUL Patiala Get Jobs
From RGNUL’s Patiala class of 2013, 13 students have found jobs. Also from them 25 students who sat for the recruitment at the law school, amongst them 4 have been placed along Shriram Gegeral Insurance company, 6 with Law firms and 3 with legal process outsourcing companies (LPO).
Whereas R S Gill and Assosciates, Amarchand Mangaldas, Wadie Ghanda, Trilegal, J Sagar Associates (JSA) and Fedral & Lakshmikant also have hired 1 each.
Pangea3 also hired one. LPO Quizlex has hired 2 students.
Last but not least Young India Fellowship has selected final year student Kishitti Bansal who led the Indian delegation at the G20 Youth Summit last year.