Doctors Urged For Scientific Medicine Specialists In Each And Every Hospital In Patiala
In Punjab the doctors who generally want scientific medicines and medico-legal workings have urged the transfers of scientific medicines doctors so that in hospitals they can handle accidents and other post mortem case very clinically in their district.
These the doctors say this medico legal works is a natural specialist in case of accidents, but these cases must be handled by those doctors who have a post graduate degree in scientific medicine.
Its a bad luck for them in Patiala hospitals that these scientific medicine experts are not in there, these high profile works have been done by normal MBBS doctors or any other type of doctor. This non availability of such high profile scientific medicine experts cause many problems, it mainly causes the downfall of medico-legal services by which the outcome of the criminal cases is severely affected.
The former state president of Patiala academy of scientific medicine of toxicology and current president Dr. DS Bhullar has told that the cases of post mortem exams in our country was normally done in only official cases and those MBBS doctors who are controlling those cases are not qualified to handle cases.
The court only decides on basis of evidence it is not important that decision is given by those doctors. He also said sometimes those defence lawyers take this advantage of those less qualified doctors to win cases.
Scientific medicine specialists are not available so that the bodies which are far from the district hospitals are generally referred to the state medical college. This generally causes a lot awkwardness among the public and this also delays the post mortem exams by which some crucial evidence goes into vain.
By this searching for the scientific medicine specialist doctors in each and every district hospitals, IMA has also sent a note towards DR Raj Kumar Verka, he is the vice chairman of national commission for the category SC/ST.
Dated on 25/07/2012 the meeting with chairman had suggested that some minimum requirements in at each and every district hospitals so that in treatment no compromise is made and all that post mortem cases can be solved with right condition. Even the IMA Patiala has donated the note to the secretary but its so bad to see that no work has not been done as yet.