Gurbani Disrespect: Angs Were Torn In The Sukhasan Room In Patiala
The Skikh24 discovered that the Gurbani was disrespected by an individual in the Sukhasan room. According to the reports which has not been yet confirmed said that the an individual went into the Sukhasan room of Gurudwara sahib which was located near the Guru Tegh Bahudar colony and started tearing the pages (angs) of Guru Granth Sahib.
The Head of the Gurudwara sahib, Granthi Kawaldeep Singh quoted that he was the first one who saw that person tearing the angs fro the Guru Granth sahib. According to bim whatever be the intentions of that individual, it was a serious crime and therefore he reported to the comitte members of the Gurudwara sahib. After that Gurudwara sahib reported to piolice about this matter.
The police says that this crime was done when the arguments was exchanged between the members of committee and no one noticed the suspect entering the sukhasan room. According to their reports the gurudwara hasd recently elected a new party which was the reason why no one could pay attention on the suspect.
However, the police are making several efforts on their end to catch the suspect in Patiala and other regions. In addition to this they have registered the case under section 295 A o the complaint of head granthi and Secreatary of Gurudwara sahib.