Major Singh Has Been Set Free After 23 Years Of Jail: Patiala
Major Singh, the man who was sent to the jail under the act of TADA when he was 16 years old, has now been set free on Friday when the government of UP ordered his release. Such favorable endeavors conducted by the UP government have been made based upon the favorable words from the well known personas SP supremo Mulayam Singh, Mr. Parkash Singh etc.
While speaking to the media, Major Singh has stated that he was alleged under the TADA act after a deadly encounter at his residence in the year 1990. He also said that he was convicted under this TADA act in the year 1994 but then in the year 1995 the government of Mulatyam Singh withdrew that case.
He further added that he was the youngest person who was convicted to the TADA act and likely to be the youngest person to be charged under this law. He was remained in jail for the last 23 years of his life and surprisingly he was in his fifth standard when he was sent to jail.
“I took birth in the year 1974 and was a 5th class pupil in an educational institution at the time when the episode happened at our mansion and then remained in prison for a long period of twenty three (23) years. I detected that I was the youngest individual and most likely the only minor who got accused under TADA,” he said.
While addressing this issue Mr. Rode said that they have been quite keen to follow all the updates and reports of this case and he also said Major Singh should be set free as he has spent the last 23 years of this life in jail.