More & More Agriculturists In Patiala Choose Drip Irrigation
Patiala: With the responsiveness level growing regarding the exhaustion of groundwater level, agriculturists have turned more sensible in order to save natural resources as more and more of them prefer drip irrigation.
Drip irrigation saves around 50 per cent water as against sprinklers and even more as against conventional type of irrigation. It also assists augment the yield and lower the expenditure of fertilizers.
The central as well as state administrations have been providing grants with the aim to encourage drip irrigation to save natural reserves. Around 967 agriculturists in Patiala region have preferred for drip irrigation since the year 2005-06, when the grant plan was rolled out.
The administration offers almost 50 per cent financial support to agriculturists on drip irrigation.
Under the Rural Infrastructure Development Fund plan, 25 per cent on crop output is given on an individual basis, funded by NABARD. This way, a total of 75 per cent financial support is given on taking on this plan.
In addition, the administration has forwarded orders to the power firm to offer out-of-turn electricity connection to agriculturists who have chosen drip irrigation.
“At first, there were a few troubles in making agriculturists conscious. At the present, it has turned popular among agriculturists in Punjab. In the city of Patiala, Rs. 9.55 crore has been expended during the last six year period on the Drip Micro Irrigation plan and the section has offered up a financial support of Rs. 3.55 crore below this,” added Bhajan Lal, soil conservation officer.
“This system of irrigation is more economical as well as helpful for all crops, including fruit and veggies, apart from paddy farm. It uses less water, turning accommodating in checking the consuming water table. It uses less plant food, labour and power and offers more and high-class yield to the agriculturists,” stated Jagwinder Singh, an agriculturist.
He also said that with utilization of this method, his productivity on veggies fields had augmented by around 30 per cent.
Year           Sum disbursed       Recipient
2007-08           Rs. 25 lakh                  75
2008-09           Rs. 84 lakh                  69
2009-10           Rs 160 lakh               135
2010-11           Rs 210 lakh               237
2011-12           Rs. 273 lakh               189
2012-13           Rs. 204 lakh               262