Seminar On ‘Contemporary Socio-Economic Dimensions In Biz Growth’ At Modi College
A national seminar on ‘Contemporary Socio-Economic Dimensions in the Growth of Business’ was arranged by the PG Department of Commerce, MM Modi College.
Dr. Sucha Singh Gill, Director General, Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development (CRRID), Chandigarh, told about the interconnection of societal wellbeing and the expansion of biz.
Dr. Gill indicated that biz organizations do not carry on in vacuum. These entities should expand those systems of fabrication which are both atmosphere and biz responsive. The inequity in the development of biz and the growth of society draws us to stay up and think why slum areas and luxury apartment houses co-exist.
Dr. Gill further clarified that more than the last 44 years, there is an augmentation of only one dollar in the earnings of an American employee, while the profits of business division have grown up in millions of dollars. Such models of financial structures can not uphold for a long time, and therefore requires to be revisited with the intention that our coming generations don’t have to confront the looming catastrophe because of the deprivation of atmosphere and cruel exploitation of natural resources.
Welcoming the chief invitee and other delegates, college Principal Dr. Satish Kumar Bhardwaj stated that such conferences were very vital for notifying pupils regarding the newest progressions in the arena of economics.
Prof Nirmal Singh, convener of the seminar, stated that an umbilical link subsists between the human growth and the development of the biz.
Dr Ravi Kiran (Thapar University, Patiala), Dr BS Bhatia (ex Registrar, Punjabi University, Patiala). Dr BB Singla, Punjabi University, Patiala, talked over a range of technical sessions of the seminar.
Dr SK Chadha, UBS, Panjab University, Chandigarh, was the guest of honor at the valedictory address.