Address: Jaurian Bhattian Chowk, Main Road, Patiala-147001 Phone Number: 98148-97755
Phone number of Dr K.Aditya changed to 9814897755. Please correct it.
Dr Aditya has shifted his clinic from Jaurian Bhattian chowk. New address is ORAL CARE CENTRE, Near Balak Nath Mandir, Dhamomajra Road, Patiala. Phone 9814897755.
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Phone number of Dr K.Aditya changed to 9814897755. Please correct it.
Dr Aditya has shifted his clinic from Jaurian Bhattian chowk. New address is ORAL CARE CENTRE, Near Balak Nath Mandir, Dhamomajra Road, Patiala.
Phone 9814897755.