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Dr Hemant Tuli

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Dr Hemant Tuli
Hira Bagh

Doctors Pediatrician, Doctors Child Specialist

Address : 91-A, Hira Nagar, Hira Bagh, Patiala

Mobile No. : 9878888565

Category: Doctors, Pediatrics

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One Comment on “Dr Hemant Tuli”

Jasjit Singh says:

This money minded bastard should be de-licensed.
My brother in law (who lives in India) has his baby boy delivered on Nov 3, 2017 and these idiots thought of incrementing the bill by keeping the baby away from family on the pretext that baby’s condition is not stable. When questioned sternly on Nov 5 about either to produce reports or provide referral to another hospital, these guys agreed to discharge. Shameful way to make money doctor Hemant Tuli. If you were abroad, you would be banned from life to practice medicine.

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