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Dr. Harjinder Singh MD

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Dr. Harjinder Singh MD
Address : 47 – Urban Estate, Phase -1, Near Radio Station, Patiala
Phone No : – 0175-2282132

Category: Pediatrics

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6 Responses on “Dr. Harjinder Singh MD”

bhupinder singhg says:

we are very-very thankfull to dr.harjinder singfh
jina ne sade bache(baby) da wadiya ilaz kita te sanu ik waddi musibat too bachaya

Armaya says:

Thank u so much doctor ….you r d best

gurpreet kaur says:

he is a great doctor indeed.who saved our child suffering from anemia.. :)

gurpreet kaur says:

a great doctor indeed . saved our child suffering from anemia.. thank u so much

Vijay says:

Can anyone please tell how can I meet Doctor before 7 P.M . Does anyone know.please tell me 9779337892

Anonymous says:

He might b one of the best doctors but now as he’s getting lots of patients he’s becoming quite money minded, always forces you to go to BHARAT Lab for tests. Our child is anaemic & suffering from wheat allergy. Upon asking him few questions again & again he got irritated & answered back to us “No doctor listens so much to patient” whatever medication is given take it.” We were shocked after hearing this & stepped out. Will never ever visit again.

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