Dr. Yog Raman Sareen MS (Ortho) Address : 656, SST Nagar Patiala Phone No : – 0175-2370955
r u the same Yograman, who studied at Ghantaghar high school Hoshiarpur n topped in 10th PSEB exams? If u r the same then i was ur classmate, do u remember me?
Dear Neeraj, was your dad a teacher (of hindi subject) in that school??????
Hello Yograman, ru the same who studied in Bliss Kinder Garten…????
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r u the same Yograman, who studied at Ghantaghar high school Hoshiarpur n topped in 10th PSEB exams?
If u r the same then i was ur classmate, do u remember me?
Dear Neeraj, was your dad a teacher (of hindi subject) in that school??????
Hello Yograman,
ru the same who studied in Bliss Kinder Garten…????