Budha Dal Public School Address : Ragho Majra, Pili Sarak, Patiala Phone No : – 0175-2212719
this school has a very well and a maintained reputation but actually is not that good as it seems….something like(uuchi dukan feeka pakwan)
its all wrong whatever they say i don’t agree i was in bdps for 11 years and that years were the best.now i am in italy and i miss my school alot i want to come back and join bdps again
This school has its own identity. I feel proud while telling that i m a bdian. Thanx to the school n its faculty.
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this school has a very well and a maintained reputation but actually is not that good as it seems….something like(uuchi dukan feeka pakwan)
its all wrong whatever they say i don’t agree i was in bdps for 11 years and that years were the best.now i am in italy and i miss my school alot i want to come back and join bdps again
This school has its own identity. I feel proud while telling that i m a bdian. Thanx to the school n its faculty.